Signup - Welcome to the U2Torrents Tracker!

Please note the following, before you sign up:

If you have ever registered here before, and you still remember your email address, then try to recover your account first.
You do this by following the following link, and next go through the steps. After this you can update your account further:

Recover your Account

If you do not know your email address anymore (note,it needs to be one that you can still access!!) then there are 2 options:

  • - The Easiest one is to create a free gmail or other account, next go through the recover process and next change your account on the website.
  • - Second, which involves us admins (note we prefer if you follow the first way ;-) ) contact us via the following Mods link BEFORE actually registering so we can help you recover your account.

      Do so at the following email address: >>

    In this it would help if you had a previous user name and or email address for us to start digging in the database.

    Try to use the following format:

      Subject: >> Lost Account (ref...whatever you can remember)
      Body: >>

      Dear Mods, please help me in getting my account running.
      I remember the following from last time I connected:
      Prev email, username, etc.

Quick check >>
- You are only allowed 1 account!!
- Any duplicate will be banned
- Smartass'es we find you!! (believe us there are a lot of them!)

We request to follow the simple rules of the website, and if you are willing to behave like the Band does, as in sharing!! Then all will be well in our standing.
If you do not share more then 0.25 (1/4 of what you downloaded in bytes) you will find yourself download banned.

This website, this community ONLY works if you give back something of what you take, in other words leave your torrents running as long as you can!!

Cookies MUST be enabled for you to login.

Desired username: *
Password: *
Confirm: *
Email: * Special note: Please be aware that you should avoid using any of the following email domains to register with , , , , , , , , ...there might be others!
All these use the MSN email to power their email service, and MSN email is blocking the IP address.

We suggest that you use your ISP email, Yahoo, Gmail, or get a U2 branded free email at or . Note also that temporary email accounts are not allowed.
You will not be receiving any alerts when using an MSN email powered account!!
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None of the files shown here are actually hosted on this server. The links are provided solely by the site's users.
The Administrators & Moderators of this site cannot be held responsible for what its users post, or any other actions of its users. You may not use this site to distribute or download any official released commercial material for which you do not have the legal rights to do so. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Any copyrighted content that is reported to the Administrators will be removed immediately, in accordance with the DMCA. is not affiliated with U2, LiveNation, Universal Island Records, InterScope Records or Maverick Management.

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